
Our beautiful
 motherland doesn’t belong to tribal leaders.
 it belongs to every citizens, 
tribes or human kinds who dwelling in.

For how long shall
 we allow tribalism in our motherland?.
honestly tribalism kills,
 divides and creates hatred among us.

The question is,
 for how long will it takes for us to unite together and fight against corruptions, crimes, 
and tribalism in our motherland?.

We are full of discernment in our hearts.
for how long shall Lado,
 Opio, Deng, and Nyadhial glare with anger against each other?.

for how long shall we stop fighting each other
instead of facing our enemies?
I guess its time to create a nation for all tribes.

İstagram: @Abuzik_ibni_Farajalla
FB: Abuzık ibni Farajalla
Twitter: Zachariahpaul6
written by abuzik ibni Farajalla copyright© 2019 . All rights reserved.


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