Oh! my mama, how can I forget you?
you’re the beauty of my existence
and the light that gives me life.
In your being the source in which I was created until I become a man
and able to call you mama.

It’s he who was in the highest
who plans his creation in you,
my belief is found in God
who plan me in your womb
and blessed me with his love.

With the great pains mama, you gave birth to me.
You offered me to the world and the world welcome me as a grace from God

and prepared me as a fruit for others. 
Mama, you seated honor in the family without you how better life could be, The pains you endured is the sign of love.
love me and love the world
so mama you're really blessed
and your place in the society is so great.

through some turn your love into bloodshed
still you remain as a faithful mama.

Mama, it’s not your aim to bring a weak child in the world
but it’s the devil that changed your name
and made your child to fight among themselves
killing each in a cruel way.
Mama, don’t cry and blamed yourself,
you kiss your child from your inner heart.

Through the devil destroyed your child
yet your womb will remain as a grace to the world.

Mama, the truth survives in your womb.
I, too may reject the pain and cares.
but there’s no fruits without trees however maybe,
I am your child and
however maybe you’re my mama.

İstagram: @Abuzik_ibni_Farajalla
FB: Abuzık ibni Farajalla
Twitter: Zachariahpaul6

written by abuzik ibni Farajalla copyright© 2020 . All rights reserved


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